Thank you for visiting! Please contact me with any questions.

The Ninth Legislative District is among the largest in our state, covering all or part of six counties in eastern and southeastern Washington. Its many attractive features include some of the finest agricultural land in the United States, an outstanding public university and an inviting, primarily rural lifestyle. I am honored to represent the Ninth District at our Capitol for a 23rd consecutive year.
I am committed to providing Ninth District residents with accessible, responsible representation, and making sure the generations which follow ours – like our two children and three grandchildren – have opportunities to prosper which are at least equal to what we have enjoyed. That means working for fiscal stability, through sustainable budgeting and reasonable taxation, and sensible policies.
My particular interests as a lawmaker are, not surprisingly, agriculture and our state budget.
Again, thanks for visiting. If you have any questions or concerns about the issues facing our state, please contact me via e-mail, the toll free legislative hotline at 1-800-562-6000 or my Olympia office at (360) 786-7620.
2025 session week 4 video update
Schoesler votes ‘no’ on Democrats’ bill to dismantle parental-rights initiative
2025 session week 3 video update
2025 session week 2 video update
2025 session week 1 video update
Schoesler to serve on Senate Agriculture and Natural Resources Committee
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A representative government only works when those represented take an active part in the process. I'm here to serve you, and your direct input helps me do my job better. Please don't hesitate to contact me via e-mail, phone or by mail, or make an appointment to see me in person. I look forward to hearing from you!