Senate Republican Caucus

October 14, 2015

State’s aerospace alliance honors Schoesler as top legislator

Washington’s Aerospace Futures Alliance has named Senate Majority Leader Mark Schoesler as Legislator of the Year, during a ceremony this past week in Spokane at the 10th annual governor’s aerospace summit. “AFA appreciates Senator Schoesler’s recognition of the economic benefits of aerospace in Washington State. He understands how aerospace attracts...
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December 21, 2014

In the news: Mark Schoesler of Zion United Church of Christ leads state Senate

Click on the text to read the full story!
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December 04, 2014

Schoesler elected to lead Senate coalition as Majority Leader

The Senate Majority Coalition Caucus today elected Sen. Mark Schoesler as Senate Majority Leader for a two-year legislative term. “I’m grateful to my Senate colleagues for their vote of confidence and am eager to continue working on solutions for the people of Washington,” said Schoesler, R-Ritzville, “It’s time to govern...
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June 09, 2013

Senate passes education-first budget – again

  The Senate today passed a new budget that its leaders say should help bring about the consensus necessary for the Legislature to complete its work.   “Once again, the Senate has worked hard to put together and pass a sustainable budget that adheres to our constitutional and moral duty...
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May 03, 2013

Sen. Schoesler and Sen. Tom sit down with Austin Jenkins on TVW’s Inside Olympia

Senate Republican Leader, Sen. Mark Schoesler, and Senate Majority Leader, Sen. Rodney Tom, stop by the TVW studio to discuss the 2013 legislative session on Inside Olympia with Austin Jenkins. The topic of discussion is the upcoming 30 day special session where legislators will forge the state operating budget.  ...
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April 16, 2013

Senate leaders send out thoughts and prayers for victims of Boston Marathon explosions

Today all three Senate caucus leaders joined together in condemning yesterday’s terrorist attack at the Boston Marathon and asking for prayers for the victims. As Boston police and federal investigators continue to probe the explosion of two bombs that went off near the finish line of the historic marathon, killing...
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February 22, 2013

Sen. Schoesler on passing committee cutoff

Washington State’s 9th District Senator, Mark Schoesler, R-Ritzville and leader of the Senate Republican Caucus, talks about passing committee cutoff, the first deadline of the 2013 legislative session, and speculates on the Senate’s activity in the weeks to come.
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January 21, 2013

Senate honors the legacy of MLK

Today the Washington State Senate joined the nation in honoring civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr. by passing a resolution recognizing his contributions to the nation. Senate Resolution 8604, honoring King’s life and legacy, passed the Senate unanimously. “How poetically fitting it is that we celebrate the lifelong work...
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January 17, 2013

Legislative Republican news conference

Legislative Republican Leadership comment on Governor Inslee’s Inaugural Address and issues surrounding the 2013 Legislative Session during a news conference in Olympia.
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