December 08, 2021

Schoesler files bill to protect workers from new payroll tax

More than a month before the start of the 2022 legislative session, 9th District Sen. Mark Schoesler has filed a bill that would look into private-market alternatives to the state’s new long-term care program, supported by an unpopular payroll tax set to go into effect Jan. 1. Schoesler’s proposal, Senate...
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July 14, 2021

Schoesler says Washington drought emergency declaration “long overdue”

State Sen. Mark Schoesler, R-Ritzville, says he is relieved that Gov. Jay Inslee’s administration today finally announced a drought emergency declaration for eastern Washington as well as most of the west side of the state, but Schoesler pointed out the governor should have declared a drought emergency for eastern Washington...
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June 16, 2021

Schoesler bill would help stabilize UI rates for employers amid call for rate hike

Following yesterday’s announcement by the state Employment Security Department that it will raise both minimum and maximum weekly unemployment benefits for jobless workers, 9th District Sen. Mark Schoesler pointed out that legislation he introduced would provide relief and help stabilize unemployment-insurance rates for Washington employers who pay UI taxes. Schoesler’s...
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May 28, 2021

Schoesler joins in celebrating new water-delivery system near Warden

An event yesterday celebrating a new water-delivery system at the EL 47.5 pump station, located several miles from Warden, attracted several officials, including 9th District Sen. Mark Schoesler. “This new water-delivery system is a key part of ongoing efforts to provide needed irrigation water for agriculture without relying on the...
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May 03, 2021

Governor signs Schoesler bill offering property-tax relief for residents rebuilding homes ruined by wildfires

Gov. Jay Inslee has signed bipartisan legislation sponsored by 9th District Sen. Mark Schoesler that will provide temporary property-tax relief for Malden-area residents and other Washingtonians who are rebuilding homes damaged or destroyed by wildfires last September. Under Senate Bill 5454, Washington residents who lost a home to wildfire between...
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April 24, 2021

Legislature passes capital budget that provides strong broadband funding

The Senate yesterday voted 49-0 to approve a compromise two-year state capital budget. The $6.3 billion spending plan provides a record $413 million toward the expansion of broadband access in Washington. The House of Representatives voted 98-0 today to pass the capital budget, House Bill 1080. Sen. Mark Schoesler, who...
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April 11, 2021

Legislature passes Schoesler bill offering property-tax relief for residents rebuilding homes ruined by wildfires

The Legislature has approved bipartisan legislation sponsored by 9th District Sen. Mark Schoesler that would provide temporary property-tax relief for Malden-area residents and other Washingtonians who are rebuilding homes damaged or destroyed by wildfires last September. Under Senate Bill 5454, which was passed by the House of Representatives 97-1 today,...
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April 08, 2021

Senate approves ‘high-cost fuel standard’ bill

The Senate tonight narrowly passed a bill that would create a “high-cost fuel standard” in Washington.  House Bill 1091, approved 27-20, returns to the House of Representatives for concurrence, or agreement, with a Senate amendment to the proposal. “This bill is the latest attempt by Governor Inslee to cram what...
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April 08, 2021

Schoesler blasts Senate passage of ‘carbon cap and tax’ bill

A Democrat-sponsored “carbon cap and tax” bill passed 25-24 tonight by the Senate would punish Washington citizens and small businesses while letting big corporations off the hook, argues 9th District Sen. Mark Schoesler. Senate Bill 5126 now goes to the House of Representatives for further consideration. The 2021 legislative session...
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