October 27, 2014

Schoesler says new report offers searing indictment of climate-change study cited by Inslee

A University of Oregon study widely cited by Gov. Jay Inslee’s administration in promoting climate-change policies is the subject of a blistering attack from the Washington Policy Center, and Senate Republican Leader Mark Schoesler calls the indictment “disturbing reading.” “It is chilling to think our state is considering policies based...
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August 28, 2014

Senate Republican leader says $600,000 splurge on DSHS staff workshops shows contempt for taxpayers

Senate Republican Leader Mark Schoesler today offered the following response to a Seattle radio report that a division of the state Department of Social and Health Services is spending an estimated $600,000 to put on staff workshops in Tacoma. “The Community Services Division can’t get a handle on the fraud...
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June 16, 2014

Schoesler says labor has good reason to dive into water-quality discussion

Sen. Mark Schoesler, R-Ritzville and Senate Republican leader, offered the following comment after organized-labor representatives stepped forward today to discuss how changes in state water-quality standards could cost jobs and hurt Washington families. The issue is known among legislators as “fish consumption” because water-quality standards are influenced by the amount...
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May 05, 2014

Senate Republican leader remembers tribal leader Billy Frank Jr.

Sen. Mark Schoesler, R-Ritzville and Senate Republican leader, offered this remembrance of tribal leader Billy Frank Jr., who passed away today at 83. “For my first 17 years representing the 9th District I stayed with my uncle, Ed Heinemann, during legislative sessions. Uncle Ed’s place was along the Nisqually Reach...
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April 23, 2014

Senate leader says tunnel cost overruns still belong to Seattle

Senate Republican Leader Mark Schoesler, R-Ritzville, offered this statement today following reports that the latest setback to the downtown Seattle tunnel-boring project could add $125 million to its cost: “Is anyone surprised that the tunnel-boring project is falling way behind schedule and racking up tens of millions in added costs?...
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March 25, 2014

Schoesler votes against ‘irresponsible’ hike in Senate’s daily-expense allowance

By a 4-3 vote the state Senate Facilities and Operations Committee today supported a $30 increase in the amount senators may collect each day for expenses while the Legislature is in session. Senate Republican Leader Mark Schoesler of Ritzville was among those to vote against boosting the per diem rate...
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March 06, 2014

Senate Republican Leader reacts to House budget proposal

Washington State’s 9th District Senator Mark Schoesler, R-Ritzville, and leader of the Senate Republican Caucus, responds to the unveiling of the House 2014 supplemental operating budget proposal that raises taxes, spends more and ends the historic tuition freeze enacted by the MCC in 2013.
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February 10, 2014

Schoesler invites 9th District residents to telephone ‘town hall’ Feb. 18

Residents of the 9th Legislative District need not travel to meet with Sen. Mark Schoesler on Tuesday, Feb. 18 – except to find a telephone. Starting at 7 p.m. that day Schoesler will host a town hall meeting conducted entirely by phone, using a format the Senate Republican leader sees...
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January 16, 2014

Sen. Mark Schoesler on the state of the state, MCC priorities

Washington State’s 9th District Senator Mark Schoesler, R-Ritzville, and leader of the Senate Republican Caucus, responds to Governor Inslee’s state of the state speech where he called for higher taxes and increases in the state minimum wage. Schoesler also shares his views on what the Majority Coalition Caucus plans to...
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